Zooz Z-Wave Plus ZEN32 Scene Controller VER. 1.01 Advanced Settings (2024)

Here is a full list of advanced settings (parameters) for the ZEN32 Scene Controller:

Some parameters were added in later firmware updates so please make sure you're on the latest firmware to have all of the settings below available.You can view the change log for the ZEN32here.

LED indicator mode for relay button

Parameter 1:Choose if you want the LEDindicator to turn on when the relay ison or off, or if you want it to remain on or off atall times.

Values:0 – LED on when relay off, LED off when relay on (default) ;1 – LED on when relay on, LED off when relay off; 2 – LED always off; 3 – LED always on
Size: 1 byte dec

LED indicator mode for button 1

Parameter 2:Choose if you want the LEDindicator to turn on when Button 1ison or off, or if you want it to remain on or off atall times.
Values:0 – LED on when button off, LED off when button on (default);1 – LED on when button on, LED off when button off;2 – LED always off;3 – LED always on
Size: 1 byte dec

LED indicator mode for button 2

Parameter 3: Choose if you want the LEDindicator to turn on when Button 2ison or off, or if you want it to remain on or off atall times.

Values:0 – LED on when button off, LED off when button on (default);1 – LED on when button on, LED off when button off;2 – LED always off;3 – LED always on
Size: 1 byte dec

LED indicator mode for button 3

Parameter 4:Choose if you want the LEDindicator to turn on when Button 3ison or off, or if you want it to remain on or off atall times.
Values: 0 – LED on when button off, LED off when button on (default);1 – LED on when button on, LED off when button off;2 – LED always off;3 – LED always on
Size: 1 byte dec

LED indicator mode for button 4

Parameter 5:Choose if you want the LEDindicator to turn on when Button 4ison or off, or if you want it to remain on or off atall times.
Values:0 – LED on when button off, LED off when button on (default);1 – LED on when button on, LED off when button off;2 – LED always off;3 – LED always on
Size: 1 byte dec

LED indicator color for the relay button

Parameter 6:Choose thecolorof the LED indicator for the relay.
Values:0 – white(default); 1 – blue; 2 – green; 3 – red; 4– magenta (RB); 5 –yellow (RG); 6 – cyan (GB)
Size: 1 byte dec

LED indicator color for button 1

Parameter 7:Choose thecolorof the LED indicator for Button 1.
Values:0 – white(default); 1 – blue; 2 – green; 3 – red; 4– magenta (RB); 5 –yellow (RG); 6 – cyan (GB)
Size: 1 byte dec

LED indicator color for button 2

Parameter 8:Choose thecolorof the LED indicator for Button 2.
Values:0 – white(default); 1 – blue; 2 – green; 3 – red; 4– magenta (RB); 5 –yellow (RG); 6 – cyan (GB)
Size: 1 byte dec

LED indicator color for button 3

Parameter 9:Choose thecolorof the LED indicator for Button 3.
Values:0 – white(default); 1 – blue; 2 – green; 3 – red; 4– magenta (RB); 5 –yellow (RG); 6 – cyan (GB)
Size: 1 byte dec

LED indicator color for button 4

Parameter 10:Choose thecolorof the LED indicator for Button 4.
Values:0 – white(default); 1 – blue; 2 – green; 3 – red; 4– magenta (RB); 5 –yellow (RG); 6 –cyan (GB)
Size: 1 byte dec

LED indicator brightness for the relay button

Parameter 11:Choose the LED indicator'sbrightnesslevel for the relay.
Values:0 – bright (100%); 1 – medium (60%)(default); 2 – low (30%)
Size: 1 byte dec

LED indicator brightness for button 1

Parameter 12:Choose the LED indicator'sbrightnesslevel for Button 1.
Values:0 – bright (100%); 1 – medium (60%)(default); 2 – low (30%)
Size: 1 byte dec

LED indicator brightness for button 2

Parameter 13:Choose the LED indicator'sbrightnesslevel for Button 2.
Values:0 – bright (100%); 1 – medium (60%)(default); 2 – low (30%)
Size: 1 byte dec

LED indicator brightness for button 3

Parameter 14:Choose the LED indicator'sbrightnesslevel for Button 3.
Values:0 – bright (100%); 1 – medium (60%)(default); 2 – low (30%)
Size: 1 byte dec

LED indicator brightness for button 4

Parameter 15:Choose the LED indicator'sbrightnesslevel for Button 4.
Values:0 – bright (100%); 1 – medium (60%)(default); 2 – low (30%)
Size: 1 byte dec

Enable/disable LED indicator for settings

Parameter 23:Choose if you want the LEDindicators to flash whenever a parameter (setting) is adjusted on the device to confirm the change. Disable this feature if you're using the LED indicators in automation.

Values:0 – LED indicators flashto confirm a setting change (default);1 – LED indicators don't flashif a setting is changed.
Size: 1 byte dec

Enable/disable LED blinking when buttons are pressed

Parameter 27:Choose if you want the LEDindicators to flash whenever a button is pressed on the device to confirm scene activation.

Values:0-LEDblinkingenabled; 1-LEDblinkingdisabled.Default:0
Size: 1 byte dec

Auto turn-off timer for relay

Parameter 16:Use this parameter to enable ordisable the auto turn-off timer function (thetime after which you want the switch toautomatically turn off once it has been turnedon).

Values:0 – disabled(default); 1 – 65535 (minutes)
Size: 4 byte dec

Auto turn-on timer for relay

Parameter 17:Use this parameter to enable ordisable the auto turn-on timer function (thetime after which you want the switch toautomatically turn on once it has been turnedoff).
Values:0 – disabled(default); 1 – 65535 (minutes)
Size: 4 byte dec

State after power failure

Parameter 18:Set the on off status for theswitch after power failure.
Values:0 – Relay and buttons remember and restore last state(default); 1 – Relay and buttons forced to off after power failure; 2 – Relay and buttons forced to on after power failure
Size: 1 byte dec

Disable / enable control on the relay

Parameter 19:Enable or disable paddle on/offcontrol (aka disable the relay). If disabled, you’ll only be able tocontrol the connected light via Z-Wave. Scenesand other functionality will still be availablethrough buttons.
Values:0 – Disable local/physical control (from the button), enable Z-Wave control; 1 – Enable local/physical control (from the button), enable Z-Wave control(default); 2 – Disable local/physical control (from the button), disable Z-Wave control
Size: 1 byte dec

Relay behavior with disabled local / Z-Wave control

Parameter 20:Set reporting behavior for disabled physical control.
Values:0 – report on/off status when the button is pressed and change LED indicator status if Parameter 19 is set to value 0 or 2; 1 – DON’T report on/off status when the button is pressed and DON’T change LED indicator status if Parameter 19 is set to value 0 or 2 (but the relay will always send central scene command)(default)
Size: 1 byte dec

3-way switch type

Parameter 21: Choose the type of 3-way switch you want to use with this switch in a 3-way set-up.
Values: 0 – regular mechanical 3-way on/off switch, use the connected 3-way switch to turn the light on or off (default); 1 – momentary switch, click once to change status (light on or off)
Size: 1 byte dec

Association Reports

Parameter 25:Choose which physical and Z-Wave triggers should prompt the switch to send a status change report to the associated devices in Group 2.

Values:0 – none; 1 – physical tap on ZEN32only;2 - physical tap on connected 3-way switch only; 3 - physical tap on ZEN32or connected 3-way switch; 4 -Z-Wave command from hub; 5 -physical tap on ZEN32or Z-Wave command from hub; 6 -physical tap on connected 3-way switch or Z-Wave command from hub; 7 -physical tap on ZEN32/ connected 3-way switch or Z-Wave command from hub; 8 -timer only; 9 -physical tap on ZEN32or timer; 10 -physical tap on connected 3-way switch or timer; 11 -physical tap on ZEN32/ connected 3-way switch or timer; 12 -Z-Wave command from hub or timer; 13 - physical tap on ZEN32, Z-Wave command from hub, or timer; 14 -physical tap on ZEN32/ connected 3-way switch, Z-Wave command from hub, or timer; 15 -all of the above. Default: 15.

Size:1 byte dec

Enable/disable programming on the relay button

Parameter 22:Enable or disable programming functionality on the relay button. If this setting is disabled, then inclusion, exclusion, manual LED indicator change mode no longer work when the relay button is activated (factory reset and scene control will still work) - that means you can now use triple-tap triggers on the relay button for scenes and remote control of other devices.

Values:0 – programming enabled (default). 1 –programming disabled.

Size:1 byte dec

Enable/disable scene control on the relay button

Parameter 24:Enable or disable scene control on the relay button. If scene control is disabled, the slight delay for physical press will be reduced but the relay button will no longer send central scene events to the hub. It's recommended to disable the feature only if using the relay button for direct electrical control of the connected load without any additional remote-control functions.

Values:0 – scene control enabled (default). 1 –Scene control disabled.

Size:1 byte dec

Parameter 26:Enable scene control functionality from the momentary switch in a 3-way installation.

Values:0 – scene control disabled commands from the remote 3-way switch disabled (default). 1 –Scene control commands from the remote 3-way switch enabled. Default: 0

Size:1 byte dec


Inclusion/Exclusion: 3x tap on the main button. The LED indicator flashes green while processing. Successful: solid green LED for 3 seconds. Failed: Solid red for 3 seconds

Factory Reset: Press and hold the main button for 20 seconds until the LED indicator turns solid red; within 2 seconds click button 1 to confirm the reset. All LED indicators on all buttons will flash red for 3 seconds to indicate a successful reset.

LED Indicator Mode: Tap 1x then press & hold the main button for 5 seconds, until the LED indicator turns solid green. Then click the button that you want to change the setting3 times quickly to rotate the values in Parameters 1-5. (So relay button 3 times clickto rotate values for Par 1, Button #1 3 times click to rotate values for Par 2,etc.) The LED indicator will flash green 2 times to indicate a mode change.

Disable/Enable Relay Control: Tap the main button 1x then press and hold it for 5 seconds until the LED indicator turns solid green. Then click therelay button 5timesquickly to rotate values in Parameter 19. The LED indicator will flash green 2 timesto indicate a successful mode change.

Range Test Tool: press and hold the main button for 20 seconds, until the LED indicator turns solid red. Within 2 seconds, click button 4 to enter range test mode. All LED indicators will start blinking white while testing. All LED indicators will then report signal strength:

Solid Green = direct communication with the primary controller is stable

Flashing Green = direct communication with the primary controller is established, but signal is weak

Solid Blue = stable communication with hub via repeaters

Flashing Blue = communication with the primary controller is established via repeaters but signal is weak

Solid Red = communication with the primary controller has failed

Group 1: Main button binary switch (Z-Wave) / basic set (button) lifeline to hub
Group 2: Main button basic set (pressed only, doesn’t send anything when switch turned on via hub)
Group 3: Main button multilevel (held)
Group 4: Small button #1 basic set (pressed)
Group 5: Small button #1 multilevel (held) > in sequence > held = increase brightness, release = stop level, held = decrease brightness, release = stop level
Group 6: Small button #2 basic set (pressed)
Group 7: Small button #2 multilevel (held) > in sequence > held = increase brightness, release = stop level, held = decrease brightness, release = stop level
Group 8: Small button #3 basic set (pressed)
Group 9: Small button #3 multilevel (held) > in sequence > held = increase brightness, release = stop level, held = decrease brightness, release = stop level
Group 10: Small button #4 basic set (pressed)
Group 11: Small button #4 multilevel (held) > in sequence > held = increase brightness, release = stop level, held = decrease brightness, release = stop level


Z-Wave Plus Info V2
Security 2 V1
Supervision V1
Transport Service V2
Basic V2
Association V2
Association Group Information V3
Multi Channel Association V3
Version V3
Manufacturer Specific V2
Device Reset Locally V1
Power Level V1
Indicator V3
Firmware Update Meta Data V5
Configuration V4
Central Scene V3
Switch Binary V2

How to Access the Advanced Settings:




Home Assistant

The ZEN32 Scene Controller can be updatedvia OTA firmware updates, here is how to do that.You canaccess all firmware files hereafter youregister your productandcreate an account here. Questions? Justreach outto our tech support team.

Zooz Z-Wave Plus ZEN32 Scene Controller VER. 1.01 Advanced Settings (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.