Zooz ZEN72 Dimmer Switch 700 VER. 1.02 Full List of Advanced Settings (2024)

Here is a full list of advanced settings (parameters) for ZEN72 Dimmer Switch:

Some parameters were added in later firmware updates so please make sure you're on the latest firmware to have all of the settings below available.You can view the change log for the ZEN72 here.

On/Off Paddle Orientation

Parameter 1:Choose if you want the upper paddle to turn the light on or turn the light offwhen tapped.

Values:0 – Upper paddle turns the light on,lower paddle turns it off (default); 1 – Upperpaddle turns the light off, lower paddle turns iton; 2 – Any paddle turns light on/off.

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LED Indicator Control

Parameter 2:Choose if you want the LEDindicator to turn on when the switch (light) ison or off, or if you want it to remain on or off atall times.

Values:0 – LED indicator is on when switch isoff, LED indicator is off when switch is on(default); 1 – LED indicator is on when switch ison, LED indicator is off when switch is off; 2 –LED indicator is always OFF; 3 – LED indicatoris always ON.NOTE:tap the upper paddle 6 times quickly to change this mode.

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Parameter 23:Choose the color of the LED indicator.

Values:0 – white; 1 – blue (default); 2 – green; 3 – red.

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Parameter 24:Choose the LED indicator'sbrightness level.

Values:0 – bright (100%); 1 – medium (60%); 2 – low (30%). Default: 1.

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Enable / disable LED indicator for settings

Parameter 32:Choose if you want the LEDindicators to flash whenever a parameter (setting) is adjusted on the device to confirm the change. Disable this feature if you're using the LED indicators in automations.

Values:0 – LED indicators flashto confirm a setting change (default) ;1 – LED indicators don't flashif a setting is changed.
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Auto Turn-Off Timer

Parameter 3:Use this parameter to enable ordisable the auto turn-off timer function (thetime after which you want the switch toautomatically turn off once it has been turnedon).

Values:0 – timer disabled (default); 1 – 65535(minutes).

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Auto Turn-On Timer

Parameter 5:Use this parameter to enable ordisable the auto turn-on timer function (thetime after which you want the switch toautomatically turn on once it has been turnedoff).

Values:0 – timer disabled (default); 1 – 65535(minutes).

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Association Reports

Parameter 7:Choose which physical and Z-Wave triggers should prompt the dimmer to send a status change report to associated devices.

Values:0 – none; 1 – physical tap on ZEN72 only; 2– physical tap on connected 3-way switch only; 3– physical tap on ZEN72 or connected 3-way switch;4– Z-Wave command from hub;5– physical tap on ZEN72 or Z-Wave command from hub;6– physical tap on connected 3-way switch or Z-Wave command from hub;7– physical tap on ZEN72 /connected 3-way switch or Z-Wave command from hub;8 – timer only;9 – physical tap on ZEN72 or timer;10 – physical tap on connected 3-way switch or timer;11 – physical tap on ZEN72 /connected 3-way switch or timer; 12 – Z-Wave command from hub or timer;13 – physical tap on ZEN72, Z-Wave command from hub, or timer;14 – physical tap on ZEN72 / connected 3-way switch, Z-Wave command from hub, or timer;15 – all of the above. Default: 15.

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On Off Status After Power Failure

Parameter 8:Set the on off status for theswitch after power failure.

Values:0 – forced to OFF (regardless of stateprior to power outage); 1 – forced to ON(regardless of state prior to power outage); 2 –remembers and restores on/off status afterpower failure (default)

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Ramp Rate Control

Parameter 9:Adjust the ramp rate ON for your dimmer when the top paddle is pressed (physical ramp rate on). Values correspond to the number of seconds it take for the dimmer to reach full brightness when operated manually.

Values:1 – 99 (seconds). 0 – instant on. Default: 0.

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NOTE: On all other previous firmware versions including 1.0 and 10.0, this setting was used for all ramp rate control (to adjust behavior for on/off physical and Z-Wave ramp rate). The default value for this parameter used to be 1.

Parameter 27:Adjust the ramp rate OFFfor your dimmer when the bottom paddle is pressed (physical ramp rate off). Values correspond to the number of seconds it take for the dimmer toturn off when operated manually.

Values:1 – 99 (seconds). 0 – instant off. Default: 2.

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Parameter 28:Adjust the ramp rate ON for your dimmer when a Z-Wave command is sent to turn the dimmer on(Z-Wave ramp rate on). Values correspond to the number of seconds it take for the dimmer to reach full brightness when operated via Z-Wave.

Values:1 – 99 (seconds). 0 – instant on. 255 – match physical.Default: 255.

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Parameter 29:Adjust the ramp rate OFFfor your dimmer when a Z-Wave command is sent to turn the dimmer off (Z-Wave ramp rate off). Values correspond to the number of seconds it take for the dimmer to turn off when operated via Z-Wave.

Values:1 – 99 (seconds). 0 – instant off. 255 – match physical.Default: 255.

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Parameter 33: Convert the dimmer to a switch. When enabled, the dimmer will act as a switch. All ramp rates will be set to instant ON/OFF and the brightness level will locked at 99%

Values: 0 - disabled. 1 - enabled. Default: 0.

Size: 1 byte dec

Minimum and Maximum Brightness

Parameter 10:Set the minimum brightnesslevel (in %) for your dimmer. You won’t be ableto dim the light below the set value.

Values:1 – 99 (%). Default: 1.

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Parameter 11:Set the maximum brightnesslevel (in %) for your dimmer. You won’t be ableto add brightness to the light beyond the setvalue. Note: if Parameter 12 is set to value 0,Parameter 11 is automatically disabled.

Values:1 – 99 (%). Default: 99.

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Double Tap and Single Tap Behavior

Parameter 12:Choose what you'd likethe dimmerto do when you double-tap theupper paddle.

Values:0 – the light will turn on to fullbrightness (default); 1 – thelight will turn on to the custom brightness level set in parameter 18; 2 – thelight will turn on to the maximum brightnesslevel set in Parameter 11; 3 – double tap disabled.

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Parameter 25:Choose what you'd likethe dimmerto do when you tap theupper paddle once.

Values: 0 – thelight will turn on to the last brightness level (default); 1 – thelight will turn on to the custom brightness level set in parameter 18; 2 – thelight will turn on to the maximum brightnesslevel set in Parameter 11; 3 – the light will turn on to fullbrightness.

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Enable/Disable Scene Control

Parameter 13:Enable or disable scene controlfunctionality for quick double tap triggers.

Values:0 – scene control disabled (default). 1 –scene control enabled.

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Parameter 31:Enable scene controlfunctionality from the momentary switch in a 3-way installation.

Values:0 – scene control commands from the remote 3-way switch disabled (default). 1 –scene control commands from the remote 3-way switch enabled. Default: 0

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Smart Bulb Mode: Enable/Disable Paddle / Z-Wave Control

Parameter 15:Enable or disable paddle on/offcontrol (aka disable the relay). If disabled, you’ll only be able tocontrol the connected light via Z-Wave. Scenesand other functionality will still be availablethrough paddles.

Values:0 – physical paddle control disabled. 1 – physical paddle control enabled (default). 2 – physical paddle and Z-Wavecontrol disabled.

NOTE:Hold the LOWER paddle for 10 seconds until the LED indicator starts blinking, then within 2 seconds, tap the upper paddle 5 times quickly to change this mode. The LED indicator will stay solid green for 3 seconds to confirm the change.

FOR FIRMWARE10.40,2.20, AND 3.10 (800LR)(or higher):Hold the UPPER paddle for 10 seconds until the LED indicator starts blinking, then within 2 seconds, tap the upper paddle 5 times quickly to change this mode. The LED indicator will stay solid green for 3 seconds to confirm the change.

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Parameter 20:Choose how you'd like the dimmer to report when paddles are tapped and held and physical / Z-Wave control is enabled or disabled.

Values:0 – send basic set report for each brightness level to hub when physical / Z-Wave control is disabled for physical dimming when paddles are manually pressed / held; report final brightness level only (basic set report)for physical dimmingwhen paddles are manually pressed / held andphysical / Z-Wave control is enabled; always report final brightness level only (via multilevel reports) for Z-Wave control regardless of thephysical / Z-Wave control mode. 1 – report final brightness level only for physical dimming, regardless of the physical / Z-Wave control mode.2 – send multilevel report for each brightness level to hub when physical / Z-Wave control is disabled for physical dimming when paddles are manually pressed / held; report final brightness level only (multilevel report)for physical dimmingwhen paddles are manually pressed / held andphysical / Z-Wave control is enabled; always report final brightness level only (via multilevel reports) for Z-Wave control regardless of thephysical / Z-Wave control mode. Default: 2.

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Parameter 21:Set reporting behavior for disabled physical control.

Values:0 – switch reports on/off status and changes LED indicator state even if physical and Z-Wave control is disabled (default). 1 – switch doesn't report on/off status or change LED indicator state when physical (and Z-Wave) control is disabled.

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Physical Dimming Speed

Parameter 16:Set the time it takes to get from 0% to 100% brightness when pressing and holding the paddle (physical dimming).The number entered as value correspondsto the number of seconds.

Values:1 – 99 (seconds). Default: 5.

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Remote Z-Wave Dimming Duration (Multilevel Commands For Group 3 And 4)

Parameter 30:Set the time it takes to get from 0% to 100% brightness on dimmers and smart bulbs directly associated with your dimmer in Groups 3 and 4when pressing and holding the paddle (physical dimming) on your dimmer.The number entered as value correspondsto the number of seconds.

Values:1 – 99 (seconds). Default: 5.

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Custom Brightness Level On

Parameter 18:Set the custom brightness level (instead of the last set brightness level) you want the dimmer to come on to when you single tap or double tap the upper paddle (see parameters 12 and 25).

Values:0 – last brightness level (default); 1 – 99 (%) for custom brightness level.

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3-Way Switch Type

Parameter 19:Choose the type of 3-way switch you want to use with this dimmer in a 3-way set-up. Changing this setting can allow you to control brightness and dim the light from both 3-way locations. Use a regular momentary switch (like the Zooz ZAC99 accessory switch) if value is set to 2.

Values:0 – regular mechanical 3-way on/offswitch, use the connected 3-way switch to turn the light off or on to the last brightness level, dimming only available from the Zooz Z-Wave dimmer and from the hub (or through voice control if smart speaker is integrated with your Z-Wave hub); 1– regular mechanical 3-way on/offswitch, tap the paddlesonce to change state (light on or off), tap the paddles twice quickly to turn light on to full brightness, tap the paddles quickly 3 timesto enable a dimming sequence (the light will start dimming up and down in a loop) and tap the switch again to set the selected brightness level; 2 – momentary switch, click once to change status (light on or off), click twice quickly to turn light on to full brightness,press and hold to adjust brightness (dim up / dim down in sequence);3 – momentary switch,click once to change status (light on or off), click twice quickly to turn light on to full brightness,press and hold to adjust brightness (dim up / dim down in sequence but always reduce brightness after double click).Default: 0.

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Night Light Mode

Parameter 22:Set the brightness level the dimmer will turn on to when off and when the lower paddle is held DOWN for 2.5-3 seconds.

Values:0 – feature disabled;1 – 99 (%). Default: 20.

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Enable/Disable Programming on the Paddles

Parameter 26:Enable or disable programming functionality on the dimmer paddles. If this setting is disabled, then inclusion, exclusion, smart bulb mode no longer work when dimmer paddles are activated (factory reset and scene control will still work) - that means you can now use triple-tap triggers on the dimmer for scenes and remote control of other devices.

Values:0 – programming enabled (default). 1 –programming disabled.

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Upper Paddle:

1 x tap: load on to last / custom / full / maxbrightness; Scene 1, attribute 00

2 x tap: on to full / max / custom brightness; Scene 1, attribute 03

3 x tap: enter inclusion (pairing)mode (only if not included to Z-Wave network); Scene 1, attribute 04

4 x tap:Scene 1, attribute 05

5 x tap:Scene 1, attribute 06

6 x tap: change LED indicator mode (see parameter 2)

press and hold: increase brightness level; Scene 1, attribute 02

release:Scene 1, attribute 01

held for 10 seconds (LED indicator starts blinking): enter the setting menu >>5 x tap up to change smart bulb mode (see parameter 15)

Lower Paddle:

1 x tap: load off; Scene 2, attribute 00

2 x tap: Scene 2, attribute 03

3 x tap: enter exclusion (unpairing)mode; Scene 2, attribute 04

4 x tap:Scene 2, attribute 05

5 x tap:Scene 2, attribute 06

press and hold: decrease brightness level;Scene 2, attribute 02

press and hold when off: turn on to 20% brightness (night light mode)

release:Scene 2, attribute 01

held for 10 seconds (LED indicator starts blinking): enter the setting menu >> 5 x tap down for factory reset;2 x tap down to enable the range test tool.

Supported command classes:


How to Access the Advanced Settings:




Home Assistant

All ZEN72 dimmers can be updatedvia OTA firmware updates, here is how to do that. You canaccess all firmware files hereonce youregister your productandcreate an account here. Questions? Justreach outto our support!

Zooz ZEN72 Dimmer Switch 700 VER. 1.02 Full List of Advanced Settings (2024)
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Name: Roderick King

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.